These so-called surface deliveries have been the crucial method by which booksellers have sold books to foreign markets because the cost is about one-third that of air mail. 因为运费只有空运的三分之一,所以海运是书商们将书销往国外的最为重要的运输方式。
The charges include conspiracy, counterfeiting foreign passports, wire fraud and mail fraud. 他们的罪名包括合谋、伪造外国护照、电信欺诈和邮件欺诈。
Renminbi checks, drafts, passbooks, deposit certificates and other Renminbi payments instruments held by chinese, foreign nations or stateless persons residing in China may not be taken abroad in person or sent abroad through others or by mail. 居住在中国境内的中国人、外国侨民和无国籍人所持有的人民币支票、汇票、存折、存单等人民币支付凭证,不得携带或者邮寄出境。
British Foreign Secretary ( Minister) Jack Straw made a last-minute plea to Prime Minister Tony Blair not to go to war on Iraq, but the plea was rejected, a new book serialized on Mail daily claimed. 正在《每日邮报》上连载的一本新书称,英国外交大臣杰克·斯特劳曾在最后关头向首相布莱尔进言,请他不要做出英国参加伊拉克战争的决定,但被拒绝。
We have known a bag full of foreign mail detained for some days between two cities twelve miles apart, because the carrier's donkey was ailing and needed rest! 我们听说过这样一件事:一整包外国邮件在两个相距仅十二英里的城市间延误了几天时间,因为邮递人员的驴子得了病在休养!
Various business services like domestic and foreign electronic letters, ritual letters, handing-off advertisement, and express mail delivery are added in post offices. 邮局增加了各种商务服务,如国内外电子信函,礼节信函,传递广告及特快专递等。
"Circular of the State Council Concerning the Cutting Down the State's Foreign Exchange Expenditure in the International Air Transport of Passengers, Cargoes and Mail" 国务院关于在国际客、货、邮空运中节约国家外汇支出问题的通知
We welcome the Chinese and foreign businessman to tel or mail advisory and order. 我们热情欢迎中外客商来电来函咨询订购。
Both the penetration of foreign couriers and emerge of local private enterprises brought enormous threats and challenges to the development of Chinese Express Mail Service ( EMS). 国外速递公司的渗透,本土民营企业的不断涌现,都对中国邮政速递业务(EMS)的发展带来了巨大的威胁和挑战,一枝独秀的局面不复存在。